What people are saying.

  • Melinda is plain and simple the best coach ever! I came across Pavel and RKC via “Enter the Kettlebell” about 6 or 7 years ago and started with kettlebells for the first time, but didn’t really take to it at the time. About 18 months ago I wanted to get serious and simplify my training. I went back to Pavel and found StrongFirst and “Simple and Sinister” Knowing I needed a coach to really dial in my technique, my wife introduced me to Melinda. She is very detailed and nuanced with her training. I am a pain in the ass and love to challenge her and ask questions and she always has the answers and helps educate me. She gets to know me and what makes me tick and designs our coaching sessions around my personality and goals. She challenges me and cares about my KB practice being dialed in. She is passionate about KB practice, serious, fun and funny…she’s always making me laugh even while she’s kicking my butt! She is a great KB coach. In fact she’s so good “It’s hard for her to do it wrong.” Is she reads this she knows what I’m talking about and she’s laughing right now!

    — Carlisle Mabrey

  • I’m 54, male, and I have been working a corporate desk job for 31 years. Needless to say, years of desk work takes a toll on your body. My overall strength had declined and my lower back and knee pain was getting worse. After training with her for only 1 month, I no longer had pain and my strength was significantly better. I am now 7 months into my training and I feel great! She has been a miracle worker! She is extremely focused on understanding my physical capabilities and has designed a total body kettlebell training program designed for my unique needs. Training with her is fun, challenging and I look forward to each session. She is very encouraging and positive and has become a good friend. My knee pain and back pain is gone and my total body strength has greatly improved. Her training has helped me become mindful of my physical strength as well as my diet. Her training has been a game changer for me!

    — Roger Thorpe

  • I’m 31 about to be 32 and I had been not taking good care of my body for the last 8-10 years or so. I got back in the gym and with the Kettlebell instruction as well as the dietary adjustments given to me by Melinda I have been able to do some major transformations in my life physically and mentally. She really is an all around trainer constantly making sure I stay in balance, physically, mentally, and spiritually. I’ve been around the fitness industry my whole life and she is hands down the best trainer I’ve ever worked with or been around. Her mobility flow has changed my life on just the way my body feels not to mention the pain relief in my back as well as my shoulders from football. If you want to get ripped, woke muscles you didn’t know you had, and have a kick a$$ time doing it work with Melinda…. If you can keep up.

    — Tyler Bird

  • Best coach I’ve ever trained with! Completely invested in her students reaching beyond their goals in every way. Leads by example. Loves what she does!

    — Erin

  • I’m a 58 yr old female who has been training in kettlebells for almost two years. When I first started, my squats/hinges were non-existent, I had weak wrists and ankles, and was, obviously, very out of shape. After training with Melinda, I have incredible power in my squats/hinges, and my wrists and ankles are no longer weak. The best part is that I am able to press a 12kg kettlebell, I can do loaded getups, I’ve thrown up to 400 swings in a session, and so much more! I’ve worked really hard and have had tons of fun, all while Melinda guided me on correct form, offered a large variety of training tools, and pushed me to do things I didn’t know I could do. Melinda is inspirational, extremely knowledgeable, and a great cheerleader. I sing her praises to anyone who will listen to me because she knows her stuff!

    — Carole Trammell

  • Incredibly passionate Kettlebell Coach…fully engaged in both her clients progress and her own continuing education. First class all the way.

    — Aaron B